

The Guide!









32 bits VST2
+ Linux/Yabridge

Contre l'obsolescence, qu'elle soit programmée ou non !

Bien que je considère que la transition 32 > 64 bits que j'ai opéré depuis 2018 est maintenant achevée, il existe tout de même encore un certains nombre d'anciens plugins qui n'ont pas (et peut-être n'auront jamais) d'équivalent, parce que des modules externes essentiels ne sont plus disponibles dans la version actuelle de Synthedit, qu'ils ont été réalisés pour des formats spatiaux particuliers... ou simplement que je n'ai pas le courage de les refaire entièrement.
Ils sont de toute manière loin d'être obsolètes grâce à des hôtes comme Reaper qui disposent d'un excellent mode bridge 32/64 bits qui permet de les utiliser indifféremment dans un projet 64 bits.
Les plugins qui n'ont pas d'équivalent 64 bits sont indiqués en rouge.
(et si ça ne vous suffit pas vous pouvez aussi aller fouiller dans le réservoir)

D'autre part, ces plugins peuvent être utilisés sous Linux avec Yabridge/Wine, et fonctionnent parfaitement dans Reaper 64 bits, en tout cas mieux que les versions pour macOS...
Vous pouvez aussi regarder la sélection des VST3 plus ou moins compatibles.

Against obsolescence, whether planned or not!

Although I consider that the 32 > 64 bit transition that I have operated since 2018 is now complete, there are still a number of old plugins that do not have (and perhaps never will have) an equivalent, because essential external modules are not available any more in the current version of Synthedit, that they were carried out for particular spatial formats... or simply that I do not have the courage to redo them entirely.
They are far from being obsolete anyway thanks to hosts like Reaper which have an excellent 32/64-bit bridge mode which allows them to be used indifferently in a 64-bit project.
Plugins that do not have a 64-bit equivalent are indicated in red.
(and if that's not enough for you, you can also go and dig in the tank)

Also, these plugins can be used on Linux with Yabridge/Wine, and work perfectly in Reaper 64 bits, in any case much better than the versions for macOS...
You can also look at the selection of more or less compatible VST3s.

Note :
Contrairement à la plupart des versions 64 bits, les plugins sur cette page comportent un nombre déterminé de canaux, mais permettent toutefois de les organiser spatialement librement (à part ceux de la section "3D Dome"). Si les canaux inutiles ne peuvent être masqués, il suffit généralement de les mettre littéralement de côté, en les poussant dans un coin de l'interface.
Même s'ils ne sont plus développés, je reste disponible pour toute question les concernant...

Note :
Unlike most 64-bit versions, the plugins on this page have a specific number of channels, but still allow them to be spatially organized freely (apart from those in the "3D Dome" section). If unnecessary channels cannot be hidden, it is usually enough to literally set them aside, pushing them into a corner of the interface.
Even if they are no longer developed, I remain available for any questions concerning them... 


 Effects - Sampling - Spatialization - Fixed Layouts - Utilities - Stereo



E f f e c t s 



M u l t i F i l t e r   1 8



Simple 18 channels parallel filter :
- six modes : LPF, HPF, BPF, Notch, Peak A and B
- global macro controls to change all the Cutoff and Resonance values easily : Up, Down, Dip, Random, Shift
- a manual control mode is also available to change each channel value one by one


Current build date: 25/08/2009 

18 x 18 





M u l t i V e r b  1 8



Simple 18 channels parallel reverberation, based on Jezar's Freeverb :
- global macro controls to change all the Size and Mix values easily : Up, Down, Dip, Random, Shift
- global damp setting
- a manual control mode is also available to change each channel value one by one


Current build date: 25/08/2009

 18 x 18 





M u l t i D e l a y   1 8



The 18 channels parallel delays use global macro controls to change all the Time and Feedback values easily : Up, Down, Dip, Random, Shift.



Current build date: 25/08/2009

 18 x 18 





M i n i D e c o   4 4



44 channels delay with mono / stereo / quad / octo / multi input.
The 44 delays can be set in growing order with different linear/acceleration curves, plus random value and random feedback.
It can be used with small values to decorelate a multichannel sound (hence the name) or for more important effects.


Current build date: 30/10/2015

1 to 44 > 44




M u l t i P i t c h   3 2  / 6 4 


32 / 64 parallel wide range Pitch Shifters, with morphing while drawing or between random values :
- 32 / 64 separate pitch sliders
- global Amount, Pitch and Granularity
- up to 1 minute time transition
- display from 1 to 32 / 64 channels


Current build date: 05/10/2016

 32 x 32 / 64 x 64 





S p a t D e l a y   1 6 1 3 A   &   1 . 1 6 . 2 4 


Advanced multidelays with spatialization and six nodes gesture interpolation.
The 1613A version is made for the immersive cinema formats up to 13.1 and the 1624 version is specialized for the NHK 22.2 format.
 - sixteen independant delay lines
- graphical setting of time and feedback
- three acceleration curves
- independant mute for each delay
- global time and feedback settings
- modulation of the durations by an oscillator with fifteen waveforms, with adjustment inertia for texture evolutions
- six editable graphic snapshots (4 for the durations, 2 for the feedback)
- two-dimensional control surface for interpolation of the six snapshots and "morphing" between them, with ten interpolation curves and inertia adjustment
- spatial positioning and grouped automation of the sixteen delays: 2D position, alignment, angle, rotation, vertical position and orientation


Current build date: 13/02/2017 - 27/11/2013

 1 x 13 / 1 x 24 





D i s t a n c e s   3 D 8  /  1 2


From an idea from James Dashow, a distance based 8 or 12 channels pseudo-panner in a 3D space that uses only delay controls instead of amplitude to simulate the sound's position.
- one input / 8 or 12 outputs
- 12 more outputs that can be used as sends for external effects
- up to 132 delays
- the delay values are set by moving the speakers points
- maximum space area supported : 240 x 240 x 24 meters
- global Low-Pass filters for simple distance attenuation simulation


Current build date: 29/07/2007

 1 x 8 / 12 





S p a t C h o r u s   1 8



- one input to eighteen outputs
- eighteen modulation channels
- chorus / phasing / flanger type effects
- two two-dimensional modulators with 15 waveforms
- shift of modulation values in groups of six
- activation / mute of each 18 channels


Current build date: 07/05/2006

 1 x 18 





S p e c t r a l S p l i t t e r   3 2



FFT based splitter, 32 bands in harmonics or inharmonics order, each band going of course to a different output.
It is highly recommended to mute it before changing the FFT order...
Definitive alpha version!


Current build date: 29/03/2016

 1 x 32 





S p e c t r a M a s s   8 4 3 D  /  1 6 4 3 D


Half way between an advanced multi-inputs panner and a spectral-delay, focused on "organic" space  animations.
They work in a 2D representation space that can fit all the dome layouts with up to 43 channels.
The 843 version use wheras the 1643 version is FFT based:
- choose (carefully) the FFT order
- attention : may be unstable !


Current build date: 19/02/2016 - 30/03/2016

1 x 43 





L e v e l M o r p h   6 4 


Graphical 64 channels level control:
- direct draw the levels with the mouse
- 32 Presets
- transition time up to 30 seconds between them



Current build date: 22/04/2020

64 x 64 





F o c u s G r a i n s   4 3 D



- quarante-trois modulateurs granulaires
- la position du focus détermine l'amplitude des modulations, réglables pour chacun des paramètres de granulation
- l'aire du focus, représentée visuellement, détermine la zone d'application de ces modulations, selon une courbe au choix
(64 bits equivalent : FocusGrains 64, but this one is better!) 


Current build date: 29/02/2016

1 x 43  




F o c u s D e l a y   4 3 D



(different sonority compared to the 64 bits version)



Current build date:

43 x 43 





F o c u s V e r b   4 3 D



Based on the Freeverb, in the 43D version the channels are grouped by 2 which can produce a better immersion, in the 57D version all the channels are fully independant which can produce a better localization.
Modes Reverbe Inside / Outside : the focus center position determines the highest or lowest reverb mix zone, whereas its size determines how the mix changes (less or more) up to its outside.
According to these to parameters, you can have from one single point with reverb to one single point without reverb.
Since they can be changed and automated you can make interesting moving reverberated zones, for example to follow some object path or to make sound differently only some places.

(64 bits equivalent : FocusVerb 36 and 64) 


Current build date: 20/09/2016

43 x 43 





F o c u s R e z   4 3 D



- quarante-trois filtres résonnants multimodes
- la modulation de la fréquence de coupure de chaque filtre se fait en fonction de la distance de la source (mono/stéréo), ou de la balance de l'ensemble des canaux de la source (multi), avec chaque canal de sortie
- ressources hélas importantes avec des bandes de fréquences étroites...

(64 bits equivalent : FocusFilter 36 and 64) 


Current build date: 14/09/2016

 43 x 43 





  Effects - Sampling - Spatialization - Fixed Layouts - Utilities - Stereo



S a m p l i n g  (and synthesis)



S p a t S a m p l e r   3 D - 6 4


This 64 outputs sample player is in an unfinished state but at the difference from the newer 64 bits version it can load very long samples and uses less memory ...
- 16/24 bits mono/stereo wav files
- Start Position and Loop Length settings and modulations
- multimode 4 poles filter
- amplitude ADSR
- two LFOs


Current build date: 22/05/2020

 2 > 64 





P e n S a m p l e r   2 5 / 4 3 / 1 2 8 


It is intended to be played with the mean of a graphics tablet:
- if a Wacom tablet is used, it is possible to use the pressure, angle and inclination of the pen as modulation sources (it needs a MIDI converter like WMIDI, MIDITab or Tablet2MIDI)
- the position of the ring determines both the position of the sound on the different outputs and the triggering of events according to several modes
- the horizontal axis determines the range of the notes plus, as desired, the starting point of the sample or the horizontal distance between the two channels of a stereo sample
- the vertical axis determines the pitch modulation plus the filter frequency or the vertical difference between the two sample channels
- choice of direction of modulations
- constraint of horizontal or vertical movement with the Shift and Ctrl keys


Current build date: - 28/04/2016 - 25/11/2019

2 > 25 / 43 / 128 (2D)  





S p a t S a m p l e r   L 1 6


- sixteen-channel output, independent of the speaker layout
- streaming stereo samples (16 and 24 bits)
- "mixmode" filter allowing dynamic mixing between LP / HP / BP and RB
- two envelopes
- three LFOs
- modulation of the starting point of the sample and the start and length of the loop
- linear and reverse loop
- real time time-stretch
- control of complex spatial masses by direct modulation of intensities or interpolation between seven configurations (flexible)
- seven "graphic snapshots" per patch
- polyphonic portamento


Current build date: 02/05/2006

  2 > 16 





A n i m a S a m p l e r   1 6


It uses spatial animations to trig and modulate the parameters of 16 sample players.
The graphic 2D positions of the samples can reflect or not their position in space since their output is direct.
- 16 sample players (DtD, stereo samples are mixed)
- 2D trigger : the samples are triggered according to the relative position of the ring
- Manual mode: you move the ring with the mouse or with a MIDI controller
- Steps mode: 16 nodes path
- Curves mode: complex animations
- Instant Gesture: record the ring movement path and replay it with variable speed, length, shape and direction
- each sample player has its own playback direction, pitch, filter type, frequency and resonance, ADSR and volume settings
- for each sample, the trigger distance threshold, the pitch, the cutoff and the volume can be modulated with a random value or by the trigger's position
- there is 61 memory slots that can be recalled by a MIDI keyboard (or directly on the graphic with the mouse): of course, it is NOT polyphonic


Current build date: 08/2008

 16 > 16 





P o l y S p a t S a m p l e r   1 3 . 1   /  2 2 . 2  /  8 1 8  /  8 4 3


Sample player specialy made to be played with a MPE (MIDI Polyphonic Expression) controller, such as the Linnstrument, the Sensel Morph or the Seaboard Rise.
Characteristics :
- 8 voices / channels polyphony
- up to 14 / 22 outputs, Sphere 18 (1/4/8/4/1) and Dome 43 (8/16/12/6/1)
- 13.1 version: output channels matrix for 5.1 / 7.1 / 9.1 / 11.1 / 13.1 assignement + simple bass management
- 22.2 version fixed NHK channel mapping
- multimode filter
- 3 LFO and 2 envelopes
- all the modulations, including the 3D spatial position can use the XYZ fingers positions polyphonically



Current build dates: 17/02/2018 / 27/03/2021 / 15/02/2016

 fixed layout 1 > 14 / 24 / 43





P o l y M a s S a m p l e r   8 4 3 D





Current build date: 02/05/2016

 8 > 43 





S p l i t S a m p l e r   2 4


- one sample per key > up to 61 samples
- 1 to 24 fixed outputs per sample
- monophonic: only one sample at a time
- input MIDI keyboard to select the samples and the corresponding editor



Current build date: 31/12/2015

 2 > 24 





Z o n e S a m p l e r   1 6 


16 sample zones that can freely arranged in split and layers across a 5 octave keyboard.
The Sample, Filter and amplitude envelope are the same for all the zones.



Current build date: 04/06/2008 

 1 > 16 





L i g h t P a d s   2 5


Multichannel multi-wave player.
It is intended to be used with a Roli LightPad Block in 5x5 pads grid mode, but it will also work with any MPE compatible controller.
- 25 independant wave players with direct output
- variable filters and amplitude envelopes for each sample/pad


Current build date: 27/06/2019

fixed 2D grid layout 25 > 25 





Z y l i a P a d s   1 9 


19 channels sample player to be used together with the ZyliaTouch app.






Current build date: 20/11/2019

fixed spherical layout 19 > 19 





K a l e i d o P l a y e r   6 4   &  1 2 8


It is a kind of grain/slice sampler inspired by an old GRM program that was called "BRAGE" (for "brassage" in french).
The polyphonic fragments can be as short as a few ms and as long as the whole file duration.
The output channel for each fragment is set according to the variations of a LFO's range, speed and shape.
It can also modulate the sample position, the pitch and the filter.
- stereo wave file player
- no theoretical sample duration limit
- up to 64 outputs (or 128) for each input channel
- 64 fragments polyphony
- 2 channel position / pitch / filter modulators
- fragments AHDSR with curve shapes
- global Time parameter
- 2D controller for file position and trigger rate
- four triggered modulators


Current build date: 06/07/2019 - 24/11/2019

 2 > 64 / 128 





K a l e i d o P l a y e r   1 6 4 3 D 


Integrated SpatMass module.


Current build date: 19/06/2016

2 > 43  





K a l e i d o P l a y e r  A 1 3   &   2 4



Specific versions for immersive formats and NHK 22.2.
It integrates a full spatial mass section to spatialize the 16 fragments.
Like the original version a keyboard can be used to switch between presets.





Current build date: 03/02/2016 - 27/06/2015

 2 > 24 





O c t o S t r e t c h e r   1 6



- eight loops with independant pitch and speed control
- 8 or 16 outputs selector


Current build date: 01/09/2009

 1 > 16 





M u l t i S t r e t c h e r   1 6 4 3 D   &   H 2 4 


Granular pseudo time-stretcher:
- 2D representation space that can be used for most periphonic loudspeakers spaces like domes
- up to 43 outputs
- 16 slices can be arranged in the space by moving and morphing
- two multiwave controllers that can be mapped to the playback rate and fragments size, and to the spatial parameters
- the H24 version can be used with all immersive formats up to NHK 22.2, including Atmos 9.1.6 (channel mapping based on Wave_Extensible format 17.1)


Current build date: 03/03/2016

 1 > 24 / 43 





O c t o L o o p e r   1 8 


- eight mono recorders / players, recording time limited to 30 "
- configurable in eight, twelve, sixteen and eighteen outputs
- 2D and 3D layouts (17.1)
- association of the spatial position with the looping parameters of each of the eight samplers
- speed variation and filtering for each loop
- preconfiguration of MIDI controllers



Current build date: 07/09/2009 

 8 > 8/12/16/18 





O c t o S c r a t c h e r


- four wave file players / recorders (16 bits)
- capture of the audio input in real time for "live" use
- sixty seconds maximum per reader
- bi-directional scratch
- inertia adjustment
- central position at nominal speed or at 0 Hz
- a single gesture to scratch the four files and control their intensities
- direct outputs in the form of four stereo pairs


Current build date: 17/02/2014  

 8 > 8 





J o y S y n t h


- joystick games (integrated support), with a graphics tablet (with MIDITab by Russel Borogove) or with a mouse (for finger play, see TouchSynth instead).
- 2 oscillators, multimode filter, two LFOs, double delay, reverb
- the values of all the parameters are interpolated according to the distance between the pointer (red ring) and
objects placed on the 2D view
- free positioning of the eight speakers, the sound (blue ring) and the two delays
- the sound position and the interpolation pointer can follow the same movement
- the movements performed can be instantly recorded and replayed at variable speed and direction.


Current build date: 18/04/2004 






T o u c h S y n t h


Based on spatial interpolation values of synthesis parameters with a wide pad gesture zone for tablets and touch screens.







Current build date: 04/11/2014







  Effects - Sampling - Spatialization - Fixed Layouts - Utilities - Stereo




S p a t i a l i z a t i o n 



S p a t S u r r o u n d   2 D 3 2  /  2 6 4



Simple 2D version of the SpatSurround series.
The outputs from 17 to 32 / 64 can be shown/hidden separately.


Current build date: 10/11/2013

 2 x 32 / 64


32     64   



S p a t 3 D   1 8 / 3 2 / 6 4



Alternative panner up to 64 outputs. Each version provides the same features :
- free position of the outputs in a 3D space
- Distance Based Amplitude Control method to freely control the spatial mass in smooth, sharp or overlapping ways
- Area setting for each output for adaptation to irregular layouts
- Area Shape
- Global Area setting
- Right input link modes for various parallel and mirroring of the stereo input


Current build date: 19/11/2016

 2 x 18 / 32 / 64


18     32     64  



S p a t 3 D   8 3 2 / 8 6 4



8 inputs version :
- Manual Mode : just place up to eight independant inputs among the up to 64 outputs space
- Shapes Mode : use and merge the Cube, the Line and the Circle shapes to control all the octophonic input as a whole with only a few parameters


Current build date: 01/03/2017

8 x 32 / 64 


32  64  



S p a t M o r p h   3 D


Grouped control of eight inputs to sixteen outputs :
- all the settings are made with five small bidirectionnal controllers (MIDI automatable)
- Horizontal Position, Alignement, Rotation and Size
- vertical Position, Tilt, Alignement and Rotation
- inertia setting
- simpler to use than the Spat3D 832 if you don't need more than 16 outputs


Current build date: 25/01/2005

 8 x 16 




S p a t M a s s   8 4 3 D  /  1 6 4 3 D  /  S p a t D o m e   8 2 5


8 or 16 inputs can be controlled as a group with three 2D pads, Position, Alignement, Angle & Diameter, allowing to do complex shapes and animations with only a few gestures and automations.
The Inertia and Delay parameters allow more fluid physics-like movements.


Current build date: 08/02/2016

8 x 43  /  16 x 43


825 843D 1643D



S c a l e M a s s   2 D 1 8



- placement libre de dix-huit entrées sur dix-huit sorties
- déplacement simultané des entrées par rapport à leur position relative
- translation et déformation simultanés en X/Y

(64 bits equivalent : ScaleMass 24X) 


Current build date: 16/04/2014

 18 x 18 




S c a l e M a s s   8 4 3 D  /  1 6 4 3 D


Move and deform a 8 or 16 channels input inside a surface or a dome, up to 43 channels.


Current build date: 25/02/2016

8 / 16 x 43


 843 + 1643   



S p a t L e v e l s   2 1 6



- 16 outputs level faders, with left/right input selector
- levels and input selections are stored in 61 memories that can be recalled with a MIDI keyboard
- transition time between the keys (the input selections are not interpolated)
- in addition, 6 graphical snapshots are saved inside each key together with a two dimensions pad to make realtime interpolations between the snapshots
- inertia setting


Current build date: 02/05/2006     

 2 x 16





S p a t L e v e l s    8 3 2  /  1 6 3 2



- 32 outputs level faders, each one with a 16 channels input selector
- levels and input selections are stored in 61 memories that can be recalled with a MIDI keyboard
- transition time between the keys (the input selections are not interpolated)


Current build date: 02/05/2006

8 / 16 x 32 





S p a t F o c u s   2 5 D  /  4 3 D





Current build date: 23/05/2016

25 x 25 / 43 x 43


25     43  



A n i m a S p a t   2 D   1 6   /  2 4




Current build date: 20/10/2013

 1 x 16 / 24 


16    24  



S p a t 3 D   4 1 6


Control of quadriphonic inputs inside a volume :
- sixteen outputs freely positionnable
- manual control of the position of each input with the mouse for standard automation in the host
Global functions (shifting of the four inputs) :
- Position
- Scaling
- Radius
- screen setting 1280 x 960 minimum



 4 x 16




S p a t F o l l o w e r   3 D


- analyzes the frequency and the amplitude of the incoming signal to modulate its X, Y or Z position as well as the spread zone
- synchronization of the right to the left input according to various modes of scaling and mirrors



2 x 16





S p a t S c r a t c h P a d


Realtime free movements recorder / player :
- records all the movements made with the mouse, or better with a pressure sensitive graphic tablet (with MIDITab from Russel Borogove) : X, Y and Z position as well as the area size
- plays the trajectories with variable speed, directions, loop points, scalings and mirrors


 Current build date: 20/04/2006

2 x 16





  Effects - Sampling - Spatialization - Fixed Layouts - Utilities - Stereo



"Fixed Layouts" 



The spatial points are organized in three layers with a fixed channels distribution. It is less flexible than 2D or 2D previous arrangements, but since the points can be freely moved in each layer they can nevertheless be suitable for a large number of spaces.
The advantage of layers is that it allows to generate better spatial phantom masses with periphonic layouts. It can be very useful to bring more consistency in domes.


S p a t D o m e   4 3 B



Another way to process the spatial mass of a stereo input in a dome can be to represent it in the form of a three levels cylinder with a top surface.
Each level can be considered as a 2D space, with internal phantom space images, while allowing its vertical translation with a single gesture.
The size and the shape of the phantom zone can be set independently for each level.


Current build date: 10/01/2016

2 x 43 fixed 3D layout




S p a t L i n e   3 2 D


Linear movements along an up to 32 steps path, among the 43 points of a fix Dome layout :
- two animation modes : keyboard and waveform
- in keyboard mode each key can correspond to one of the 32 steps
- in waveform mode you define the shape, the rate and the range of the exploration
- in both modes a smooth/inertia setting allows to obtain sharp or slow movements between the steps
- the paths are saved in a separate memory for easy recall


Current build date: 27/02/2016

1 x 43  fixed 3D layout





P o l y S p a t S a m p l e r   8 1 8




Current build date: 26/02/2018

8 > 18  fixed 3D layout




P o l y S p a t S a m p l e r   8 4 3 D



There is a special Area spread parameter for improved immersion.


Current build date: 15/02/2016

1 to 8 > 43  fixed 3D layout




A l e a S a m p l e r   4 3 D  /  1 2 4 C



- global space rotation control similar to the MegaRotary plugin

The 124 channels follows the mapping of the Virginia Tech's Cube and will need a host that support more than 64 channels such as Bidule, Element (free) or Max/Msp.


Current build date: 16/02/2016 - 24/11/2019

2 > 43 / 128  fixed 3D layout


 43   124




   Effects - Sampling - Spatialization - Fixed Layouts - Utilities - Stereo



U t i l i t i e s



B a s s M a n a g e r   6 0 4


- up to 60 inputs channels
- crossover frequency from 50 to 200 Hz
- up to 4 subs sends for each channel
- 4 subs master level


Current build date: 13/08/2018

 60 x 64 




S p a t M e t e r  2 D   2 4


Multichannel peak-meter, only graphical (no values) :
- free positionning
- show/hide option from channel 9 to 24
- peak sensitivity setting


Current build date: 16/11/2013

  24 x 24 




S i m p l e T e s t   6 4


No spatial layout...











S  T  E  R  E  O   !

E l a s t i c o m e t r e  (VSTi)

Compression - extension temporelle granulaire / boucles / variation de vitesse "polyphonique" :

- lecteur de fichiers wave 16 et 24 bits intégré
- huit processeurs granulaires en série permettant le time-stretching et la transposition
- contrôleurs gestuels à deux dimensions : taille + vitesse et taille + hauteur
- fonction "Detune" pour désaccorder les huit grains (5 octaves maxi)
- un modulateur à forme d'onde complexe avec morphing dynamique
- deux modulateurs standards, dont l'un peu contrôler le morphing du modulateur 1
- modulation de la taille, de la vitesse, de la hauteur et du désaccord des grains ainsi que de la position en X/Y du "megapan"
+ "spatializer" et commande clavier

 Current build date: 20/05/2007




E c h o n o m i t r o n  (VST)

Multi Delai et modulations :

Section Delay :
- seize délais en parallèle, chacun pouvant aller jusqu'à 10 secondes
- édition graphique des valeurs de durée et de feedback
- activation / mute pour chaque délai
- trois courbes temporelles : logarithmique / linéaire / exponentielle, pour la création d'échos et de rebonds
- modulation globale des durées (15 formes d'ondes)
- paramètre d'inertie
Section contrôleur gestuel :
- six "snapshots" : quatre pour les delais et deux pour les feedbacks
- les "snapshots" sont éditables !
+ "spatializer" et commande clavier 

 Current build date: 16/05/2007




P o l y f r a g m e n t e u r  (VSTi)

Fragmentation / découpage automatique / traitement granulaire :

- lecteur de fichiers stéréo 16 et 24 bits
- lecture en streaming sur le disque : pas de limite de durée théorique (testé avec des fichiers de deux heures...)
- découpage des canaux gauche et droit en deux fois seize fragments
- contrôle de la vitesse du découpage par une horloge interne, le tempo (hôte ou tap tempo) ou des notes MIDI
- simple enveloppe ADSR pour la forme des fragments
- filtre multimode
- déplacement à vitesse variable dans le fichier selon dix courbes
- variation aléatoire de la position, de la hauteur et du filtrage
Spatializer : douze mémoire de configurations indépendantes pouvant être rappelées à tout moment
Section contrôleur gestuel :
- valeurs minimum et maximum pour chaque paramètre
- paramètres contrôlés : position, hauteur, filtre, vitesse de l'horloge interne, envelope decay, envelope release
- commande clavier

 Current build date: 16/05/2007




R e s o n a t o p l a s t e  (VST)

Banc de filtres résonnants :

Section banc de filtre :
- seize filtres résonnants
- réglages de fréquence individuels
- contrôle de l'ensemble des seize fréquences au moyen de courbes combinées
- six "snapshots" pouvant être utilisés pour le rappel instantané de réglages ou servir au morphing avec le pad XY
- modulations à multiples formes d'ondes des principaux paramètres

Attention : ce plugin peut être instable dans certains conditions. Evitez de l'utiliser dans un projet important...

 Current build date: 24/05/2009